Leading Women at Majorel: Dallas 

Majorel is a mosaic of countries, cultures, and languages and this incredible diversity is part of our DNA. In this interview, we talk to Dallas FitzPatrick about diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Dallas is the Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Manager, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She is responsible for leading the development and implementation of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) Program across Majorel globally. 

Diversity, equity, inclusion 

  1. What’s the purpose of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) Program? 

Our DE&I Program is built around the four guiding principles of our DE&I Charter, which include: Sense of Belonging, Equal Opportunity, Empowerment, and Inclusive Workplace. The purpose is to ensure that the policies and procedures in place respect the unique needs and perspectives of our team members and foster an inclusive work environment. This starts at the recruitment stage, by practicing equal opportunity employment, and continues through the employee life cycle, by empowering team members with development and growth opportunities. Our DE&I activities are important because they are people-focused initiatives. It requires commitment and input from all levels of the organization to best serve our diverse workforce.  

  1. How do you celebrate differences at Majorel?

Our mottos for the DE&I Program is: “We are One”. This motto is great as it highlights our #OneMajorel team spirit. Though we’re one team at heart, we proudly express our differences and celebrate the wonderful things that make us all unique. We create an inclusive atmosphere where people are welcomed to be their authentic selves. Through different initiatives, such as the Women Leadership Club, we make the voices of our employees heard and considered.  

  1. How do you fight against gender bias at workplace?

Fighting against gender bias means, firstly, acknowledging that it exists, and secondly, having continuous and open communication about it. That means having it on the agenda, providing trainings on recognizing and combating unconscious bias, and empowering the women at Majorel. Gender equality requires an on-going commitment to fairness, equity and inclusion and the policies in place that promote equality.  

  1. Every March, we celebrate the amazing women at Majorel. What’s your message for women this year?

To all the women around the world – believe in yourself! Sometimes your dreams and aspirations may seem too grand, but believe in your strength, and work hard toward them. At the end of the day, you’ll realize that anything is possible.  

Dallas joined Majorel in 2018 as a Recruiter. As she recalls, she enjoyed this role as she “was the first person a potential new colleague spoke with; the ambassador for Majorel”. During these years, she has learned more about why diversity and inclusion are important to both the company and the candidates and supported various social responsibility initiatives. When the Global DE&I Manager position became vacant, she did not hesitate for a second and knew this would be the perfect job for her.  

Respect Diversity and Inclusion at Majorel  

We strongly believe in the honesty and sincerity of our people. We respect each other with regard to our personal ambitions, our rights and our unique personalities. We are One Team at Majorel.  

Our incredible diversity is part of our DNA, it is our strength. Therefore, we are committed to create conditions and processes that promote and celebrate diversity. The Code of Conduct and our shared Values (Creativity; Excellence; Respect) unite us all under common principles important to Majorel. The DE&I Program is a global framework which ensures fair, respectful, and inclusive work environment for all employees. 

Read here more stories from Majorel people around the world or check out our social responsibility initiatives around the world here 

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